Kompetenztraining für Frauen von Schwarzgurt-Managerin Dr Saskia Schottelius: Kommunikation + Kampfkunst für Führung, Karriere, Resilienz, Rhetorik  u. Charisma

"The Art of Self-pre­sen­ta­ti­on"

Last week I went to an Arc­train self-pre­sen­ting work­shop. Be­fo­re go­ing I felt a litt­le bit weird about the fact that it was just for wo­men. Why should we get ex­tra sup­port in pre­sen­ting our­sel­ves? The work­shop very quick­ly made cle­ar to me that wo­men think dif­fe­rent about them­sel­ves than men. This ex­pres­ses in si­gnals we send to others by our body lan­gua­ge. It was re­al­ly nice to get an in­sight on what body lan­gua­ge can do and on how your own body lan­gua­ge is per­cei­ved by others. 

Mo­re­o­ver, the work­shop got us an in­sight into the con­cept of po­si­ti­ve and ne­ga­ti­ve lan­gua­ge. Ne­ga­ti­ve lan­gua­ge in­clu­des for ex­amp­le the use of iro­ny, dou­ble ne­go­tia­ti­ons or ne­ga­ti­ve pre­fi­xes and suf­fi­xes. Did you know that we tend to use much more ne­ga­ti­ve than po­si­ti­ve lan­gua­ge in our dai­ly life? We are so much more used to say “oh, this was not bad” ins­tead of using po­si­ti­ve words and – as we lear­ned du­ring the work­shop -  this has not only a strong in­flu­ence on how we are per­cei­ved but also on how we make us feel our­sel­ves.

Anouk Vlug and Hannah Nowitzki


The ‘The Art of Self-Pre­sen­tin­g’ is a work­shop wi­t­hin Arc­Train that was led by Dr. phil. Sas­kia Schot­te­li­us who is a men­tal trai­ner and teacher of me­di­ta­ti­on, mar­ti­al arts and phi­lo­so­phy. The work­shop was only for fe­ma­le Sci­en­tists. From our Arc­Train group Anouk, My­ri­el, Lina, Na­ta­lia, and Deniz at­ten­ded.


The over­all goal of this work­shop was to im­pro­ve our self-ex­pres­si­on and pre­sent our­sel­ves in a way that we lea­ve a long las­ting and po­si­ti­ve im­pres­si­on on both in­di­vi­du­al per­sons and au­di­en­ces.  We ac­qui­red theo­re­ti­cal know­ledge about the Im­pos­tor-Syn­dro­me, po­si­ti­ve lan­gua­ge, how to em­power our self, body lan­gua­ge and clas­si­cal Rhe­to­ric. To all of the­se to­pics we had many very hel­pful ex­er­ci­ses, role plays and group work. We did Qi­gong ex­er­ci­ses, me­di­ta­ti­on and power po­ses to in­crea­se awa­ren­ess in mo­ti­on, re­lax our mind, feel more con­fi­dent and get less stres­sed. We gave and re­cei­ved a lot of feed­back and got the chan­ce to prac­tice pre­sen­ting our PhD pro­ject au­then­ti­cal­ly, con­fi­dent and po­si­ti­ve. We all en­joy­ed the nice and com­for­ta­ble at­mo­s­phe­re in our group, lear­ned a lot about our­sel­ves and the im­pres­si­on we lea­ve to others. We got awa­re about our strengths and whe­re we still can im­pro­ve.

Thanks a lot to our trai­ner Sas­kia Schot­te­li­us and to Arc­Train for ma­king this work­shop pos­si­ble.

Myriel Horn, June 2017